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Fort Paradox Backstage, part 01: The First Drafts

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Published Tuesday 1 November 2011 · Accompanied Episode 085

It's a Tuesday, and we're only posting on Fridays at the moment.  This morning, Tim completed the one-hundredth episode of Fort Paradox (the 101st in narrative order, but the 100th to have its illustrations completed).  We recently finished posting a chapter set in the Ship's Archives.  So it seems like a good day to open the actual Archives, and start showing you some of the preliminary material that's helped to shape those 100 strips.  Welcome to Fort Paradox Backstage: The First Drafts.

Me being the stickler for logic that I am, I think it'd make sense to begin at the beginning, so for today's nostalgia trip I thought I'd show you my very first script notes for what was then called 'The D'Antarran Warp' and set on the ruined planet D'Antarran in Universe XGT.  This lot dates from circa 2009, when Brothers in Shells was in its infancy, and before I'd even mooted the cross-continuity idea to Tim and Sarah.  You might spot some suspicious similarities to the first few episodes of the comic as it was actually produced, but there are some pretty major differences too.

Happy reading...

Script by MGHC

Cylinder and Miserable arrive on D'Antarran.

Whoa!  That was a wild trip.

You just spoke in Calibri instead of Abadi Condensed... oh crud, so did I.  Please, please, please don't tell me we've ended up outside of our normal continuity again...

Looks like we have.


Hey, on the bright side, you've still got your favourite catchphrase.

Yeah, I have.  Whoopee-doo.

Script by MGHC

So, now that we know where we aren't, how about we try and work out where we...

FORKLEY makes an unceremonious entrance.

OI!  What are you two doing in D'Antarran?

I dunno.  We just sort of… turned up here unexpectedly.

Look, this is a restricted area.  If you can't explain better than that, then I'm afraid I'll have to send you to the Tharryk Cluster for detention.

JEFF THE NINJA SNAIL also turns up.

Excuse me, sunglasses?

Name's Cylinder.  Cylinder the Cylinder.

Cylinder, Cylinder the Cylinder, is this forklift giving you trouble?

A bit.

Then stand aside, and I shall sort him out with my lightning ninja moves!

Can I be pragmatic and point out that you're a snail?

Script by MGHC

Indeed, I am a snail.  But I am no ordinary mollusc.

Do continue?

I... am a Shadow Ninja Snail.

A what?  Are they meant to be even scarier than regular ninja snails?

'Episode 1' and 'Episode 2' bear relatively little resemblance to any scenes in the finished comic, especially with Miserable not arriving until Episode 55, and Forkley becoming less antagonistic (the butlerish way he comes across in 'Episode 2' is out of character, and although Episode 6 still has him a bit on the grumpy side, his portrayal in the other finished episodes of Fort Paradox is generally closer to how he is in UXGT).

However, you might like to compare 'Episode 3' against the actual Episode 4...

Personally, I think the actual episodes were a lot better.  Anyone disagree?

In next Tuesday's instalment of FP Backstage you might even get to see some concept art!  Stay tuned...

- The Colclough (on behalf of itself & TMJ & SRJ)


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