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Confessions from the Making of Fort Paradox, part 13: Into the Console Room

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Published Tuesday 15 May 2012 · Accompanied Episode 113

Cylinder: Well, folks, it's been fun clueing you in on the Fort's dark secrets...

Darlan: ...dark as anything, those secrets...

...but for a variety of complex technical reasons, this is going to be the last in the current series.

And we're not telling you what comes next!

No, we aren't.  But in the meantime, we'll leave you with this final, mind-bending revelation: Fort Paradox is, arguably at least, a timeship; also, the TARDIS is a timeship; so if you stop and think about it, you realise that we've ended up with one timeship landing inside another one, inside a huge void between continuities or something.

Recursive, again.

Exactly my point, Darlan.

Anyway, just as a point of interest, the TARDIS used in Episode 98 was a genuine Tennant-era prop borrowed from the BBC.

Well, we say 'borrowed'...

...we did have to twist a few arms... other words, you threatened to send your Tavuc 'friends' in to get what you wanted...

...hey, you threatened them with your 'friends' and their suitcase too!

Oh, yes... so I did.

Thank you, Cylinder.

You're welcome, George.

And because it was a genuine Tennant-era BBC prop, we weren't allowed to alter it at all.

Which meant we had to hold all the shower fittings in place with Blu-tack.

Good job you didn't have any running water in there!

Too true.


On that deeply arcane note, we'll wrap up the confessions and leave you all to make your guesses at what we're going to do next.  So, it's goodbye from me...

...and goodbye from him!

...and from him too.




- Cylinder the Cylinder

- George Darlan

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