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Fort Paradox Backstage, part 05: Scene Progression

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Published Tuesday 29 November 2011 · Accompanied Episode 089

Full title Fort Paradox Backstage: The Progressive Development of the Cafe Scene.

Well, we got through the first 8 episodes, fleshing out the notes from the page I showed you last week, and then we needed to work out what the next step would be.

Our second batch of plot notes took shape on a bit of ruled paper taken from a complementary notepad my Dad brought back from one of his overseas meetings (hence the odd, definitely non-FP-related caption in the top left and picture in the bottom right).  I like looking back over paper-based scripting sheets, as they give a better impression (compared to word-processed stuff) of how the ideas developed over time.

Fort Paradox: the Second Scripts

As you can see from the layout of this sheet, the conversation with The Bookworm was originally shorter and missing a couple of key points, and it was only intended to fill one or two episodes, instead of the three it eventually expanded to; Edwin's introduction was going to be crammed into less episodes as well.  This sort of thing happens a lot.  I like to take it as a positive sign - if a scene keeps growing and sprouting more asides, then it's probably doing something right.  It's when a scene stagnates and stops suggesting other things that you've probably got a problem.

I'm not 100% sure what we'll be dredging up from the archive next week.  Stay tuned!

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