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The Fort Paradox Pop Quiz, guest 02: Fred Nagg

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Published Tuesday 12 July 2011 · Accompanied Episode 066

Q: Describe yourself in five words?

Nagg: Displeased... About... Being... Mindlessly... Interviewed.

Q: What's your favourite colour?

Nagg: Hmm... the edge of ultra violet is great.  Especially if you like Niquee parasitology, which incidentally, I do.

Q: Favourite number?

Nagg: Why would anyone want a favourite number?

Q: What do you miss most from your life before Fort Paradox?

Nagg: My work.  I also miss Harry and the rest of my friends.  In fact, there's one thing that I wouldn't really miss about my old life, BUT HE FOLLOWED ME ON!

Q: What do you enjoy most about life on board Fort Paradox?

Nagg: Uuuggh... I don't know.  The food tastes funny, the job's boring, and locals are downright odd.  That said, as a speciologist, a sentient forklift and a talking toilet roll holder are fascinating.

Q: What would your perfect day be like?

Nagg: Up at 5:00am, do a good day's work out in the field, somewhere really nice like Ll'aana 4, then back home, bath, stiff milkshake, find that George Darlan is on holiday, evening stroll, bed.

Q: Where would you most like to visit?

Nagg: D'know, really.  I get to go to loads of interesting places.  Wall Street might be interesting, if Earth wasn't out-of-bounds for tourism.  I'd like to meet a human banker.  They sound a fascinating sub-species...

Q: And finally: would you agree that the great Dr W. Q. Mallard is a superb captain?

Nagg: I feel slightly uneasy about answering that question...  Who is this interviewing me anyway?


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