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Confessions from the Making of Fort Paradox, part 02: Schizo Scripting

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Published Tuesday 28 February 2012 · Accompanied Episode 102

Darlan: Confessions, then – what are we going to confess first?

Cylinder: Um... what about Derek?

Yeah, okay – let's do Derek.  Do you want to tell them about Derek?

Yeah, alright.  Okay, the thing is, MGHC, TMJ and SRJ don't actually write the screenplays – we originally had a committee of about fifty people to write the show, but to date the committee's version is still stuck at the second draft of Episode One.  Obviously that's not sustainable, so we've secretly left them in their boardroom and hired a guy called Derek, who's written the whole series so far but insists on crediting his work to the illustrators instead.  We're not a hundred percent sure why he does that...

...but it might be something to do with tax avoidance.

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