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Confessions from the Making of Fort Paradox, part 03: Out-of-Order Filming

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Published Tuesday 6 March 2012 · Accompanied Episode 103

Cylinder: It's a common misconception that we started at the beginning and filmed Episode 1 first.

Darlan: Far from it.  The first thing we filmed was Chapter VII The Sword in the Droid.

That wasn't an ideal shooting order, but we had to do it because the scene was shot in a library that had just been renovated and we only had two days to film there before it opened to the public.

And the start wasn't made any easier by the fact that French Person kept going on strike and drinking too much chardonnay.

We then filmed the two bridge scenes back-to-back, and that was in a pretty narrow window too because they needed to re-dress the set for the new series of Star Trek.

But don't tell anyone we said that – they're a bit embarrassed about having had to scrounge!

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