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The Fort Paradox Pop Quiz, guest 10: Bubble-07

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Published Tuesday 6 September 2011 · Accompanied Episode 074

Q: Describe yourself in five words?

Bubble: Round, Abused, Recorded, Sunglasses, Anger.

Q: What's your favourite colour?

Bubble: Blue.

Q: Favourite number?

Bubble: 189.  And I'm not telling you why.

Q: What do you miss most from your life before Fort Paradox?

Bubble: There was nothing to miss.

Q: What do you enjoy most about life on board Fort Paradox?

Bubble: This is nothing to enjoy.

Q: What would your perfect day be like?

Bubble: Waking up and finding that blasted recording graphic had finally gone.

Q: Where would you most like to visit?

Bubble: Somewhere without handycams.

Q: And finally: what's your favourite book?

Bubble: James Pond, by Ian Fishing.


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