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The Fort Paradox Pop Quiz, guest 12: Jeff

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Published Tuesday 20 September 2011 · Accompanied Episode 076

Q: Describe yourself in five words?

Jeff: Shadow, Ninja, Snail, Silent, Deadly.

Q: What's your favourite colour?

Jeff: Black.  Like my karate belt.

Q: Favourite number?

Jeff: 0.

Q: What do you miss most from your life before Fort Paradox?

Jeff: Since the '40s, I've had such a surreal life, I've really given up missing things.  There's every chance they'll just show up somewhere else.

Q: What do you enjoy most about life on board Fort Paradox?

Jeff: The CafĂ©.  It's great.

Q: What would your perfect day be like?

Jeff: Defeat evil.  Save the day.  Eat chocolate.

Q: Where would you most like to visit?

Jeff: Are you quite sure no-one's listening?  OK, Legoland.

Q: And finally: what do you make of the cleaner?

Jeff: Short work, most of the time.


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