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The Fort Paradox Pop Quiz, guest 13: Miserable

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Published Tuesday 27 September 2011 · Accompanied Episode 077

Q: Describe yourself in five words?

Miserable: Grumpy, Grey, Cubic, Reluctant Co-protagonist.

Q: What's your favourite colour?

Miserable: I don't especially like any of them.

Q: Favourite number?

Miserable: I don't think I've got a favourite.  But I could tell you my least favourite number: it's 50, because of the stupid fuss the Author makes over every fiftieth episode my native webcomic reaches.

Q: What do you miss most from your life before Fort Paradox?

Miserable: The relative sanity, I guess - emphasis on the word 'relative'.

Q: What do you enjoy most about life on board Fort Paradox?

Miserable: Meh?

Q: I'll take that as 'not much', then.  Um... what would your perfect day be like?

Miserable: I think I'd be dead... you probably guessed that anyway...

Q: Not surprised.  Is there anywhere you'd especially like to visit?

Miserable: I should really go for a look round the Fort and see if I can find an undertaker.

Q: And finally: have you ever tried not being sour and depressing?

Miserable: Not that I can remember.  It's an intriguing thought though - maybe something to remember for the future...


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