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The Fort Paradox Pop Quiz, guest 06: Louis

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Published Tuesday 9 August 2011 · Accompanied Episode 070

Q: Describe yourself in five words?

Louis: Hmm... Fast, Agile, Racer, Mechanic...  Hang on, do you count "Hmm" as one of the words?

Q: What's your favourite colour?

Louis: Green.  Most snails and slugs like green, as it reminds us of lettuce and runner beans.

Q: Favourite number?

Louis: Ooh, favourite number.  Umm... I don't really have one.

Q: What do you miss most from your life before Fort Paradox?

Louis: Ernie and the rest of the boys.  It's a shame we can't all be here.

Q: What do you enjoy most about life on board Fort Paradox?

Louis: Well, what do you think?  It's another adventure!  What else could you ask for?

Q: What would your perfect day be like?

Louis: I think it would have to involve eating someone's cabbage, and a trip to Silverstone.  Preferably intertwined somehow.

Q: Where would you most like to visit?

Louis: It would have to be the Top Gear test track.

Q: And finally: talking of Top Gear, who do you think the Stig is?

Louis: Sorry, George asked me not to tell anyone...


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